At Live Web Photos, we are passionate about capturing the essence of your brand through stunning photography. With a focus on helping businesses and individuals create visually compelling online experiences, we specialize in providing high-quality, custom-tailored photographs for your website.

We brings years of expertise to the table, ensuring that every image we create tells a unique story and resonates with your audience. Whether you’re looking to showcase your products, convey your company’s culture, or highlight your personal portfolio, we are committed to delivering images that captivate and engage. Let us transform your online presence with the power of exceptional visuals. Welcome to Live Web Photos – where every click tells a captivating tale.


Our parent company, Live Web Studios is where building, hosting and maintaining website are done right. Don’t get caught with your page down.

Jon Wolf is the CEO/President of Live Web Studios a company he founded in 2003. They specialize in web design and graphics, website hosting and maintenance of sites, as well as helping clients with online marketing and social media strategies.

Jon’s creative diversity spans from graphic design to photography to sculpting and painting. He has over 35 years professional experience playing piano, keyboards and guitar.  He has performed in over 30 states. 


To learn more about how LiveWebPhotos can make your next project successful! Please contact us at 732.801.9611 or send us a message. One of our customer connection staff members will reply as soon as possible.